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Mr. Md. Abdus Salam, FCA, FCS

Mr. Md. Abdus Salam was born in 1954. After completion of B. Com (Hons’) and M. Com in Accounting from the University of Dhaka in 1976, he started Chartered Accountancy Course with the support of two scholarships: Burmah Eastern and Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation awarded to the CA profession. He became an Associate Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB) in 1989 and Fellow Member in 1994.

Presently, Mr. Salam is a partner of ARTISAN, Chartered Accountants. Before starting Public Practice, Mr. Salam was the Technical Adviser of the World Bank Project-ICAB and Finance Expert of ADB-PLU for Primary Education Development Program-2 of 11 Development Partners including the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank and Director Accounts (In charge) of Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB).

The elected President of ICAB for year 2013, Mr. Salam has been in the Council since 2010 and served as the Vice President, (Education and Training) from 2010 to 2015. He was the former Hon’y Secretary of Dhaka Regional Committee (DRC) of ICAB. He was the Member of Education Committee for the years 2010-2012 of South Asian Federation of Accountants (SAFA- a body of the SAARC) and was the Board Member of the SAFA for the year 2013. Furthermore, he has been actively involved in different standing and non-standing Committees for several years since the commencement of his Membership into this profession in 1989.

Mr. Salam was also one of the Council Member of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries of Bangladesh (ICSB) since its inception and served the Institute of Chartered Secretaries of Bangladesh in the elected capacity of Treasurer for the year 2004-2005 and the Vice President for the year 2005-2006.

Mr. Salam is a life Member of Bangladesh Economic Association.

He was an Independent Board Director of Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd for the years 2010-2015 and Independent Director of IBN Sina Pharmaceuticals Industry Ltd for the same period, and also served in these two organizations as the chairman/member of Risk Management and Audit Committees.

He also served as the Govt. Nominated Board Director of Coal Power Generation Company of Bangladesh and the Electricity Generation Company of Bangladesh, both the companies are under the Ministry of Power, GOB and served in these organizations as the chairman of Audit Committees.

Mr. Salam was the in the Board of Directors of DSE, CSE and the SME Foundation for 2013, the Past President of Lions Club of Meghna. He is a regularly contributing writer in the National Dailies, professional Journal “The Bangladesh Accountant”.

He visited extensively the countries of Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Italy, Switzerland Geneva, Thailand, India, Pakistan, and Srilanka as official Nominees.

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