All employees must observe and comply with internal policies and procedures, rules and regulations of UCL in carrying out his or her duties.
General norms
Every employee shall conduct himself/herself in such a manner that will enrich the image, dignity and reputation of the Company and shall refine acting in such a manner as to bring the Company into disrepute and bring discredit thereto.
An employee shall at all times conduct himself/herself in a reasonable manner and shall discharge his/her duties honestly, faithfully, diligently and to the best of his/her abilities and efficiency.
Every employee shall at all time maintain absolute integrity and devotion to the duty conforms to and abides by the rules and regulations applicable to him/her.
Every employee shall attain his/her duty punctually and regularly duly attained.
The supervising officer should give their personal attention towards the punctuality in attendance of the subordinate officials. The attendance should be bought to the Officein- charge at the latest time the officials are required to be in the officer and late corners asked to explain orally the reasons for their late attendance to the office-in-charge. Habitual offenders should be reported to the Management by the Office-in-charge for such disciplinary action as the Management thinks fit.
If any employee requires coming late under unavoidable circumstances, he shall make an application beforehand, preferably on that day immediately before he requires coming late, and the management after considering the reasons shall give necessary permission to that employee concerned to come late on that day for which such permission is sought. But under no circumstances, this shall be allowed to be a regular feature.
If a member of the staff requires to go early, before the office hours are over, he /she shall request his/her superior either verbally or in writing explaining the reason for his intention to do so, and after specific permission is given thereon he/she may leave the office at the appointed hours. But under no circumstances, this shall be allowed to be a regular feature.
In case where an employee comes to the office late most of the working days, one day’s earned leave at the rate of every three days late attendance shall be forfeited and a warning with the advice to rectify his habit in this respect shall be issued.
In the case of leaving office earlier without prior permission of the superior, similar warning and advice shall follow to the employee concerned and a copy of such warning shall be sent to the Personal Department for recording the same in his/her confidential file maintained in the Office. This shall be viewed as a disfavor at the time of reviewing the confidential reports of the employees for annual increment panels for promotion at the end of the year.
No employee shall be absent from office without prior permission. In case of exceptional circumstances, the absenting employee must inform the Office of the reasons for such absence at the first available opportunity.
An employee shall not conduct any action in such a manner as is likely to bring his/her private interest to conflict with his/her official duties.
An employee shall not subordinate his/her official duties to his/her private interest.
No employee shall indulge in gossiping, lying, back-biting, political discussion or spread such rumor which may cause panic among the employees or criticize the activities of his/her colleagues or speak ill of others or behave with other employee(s) in such a manner which may cause moral turpitude to the latter or involve himself in any activities repugnant to the rules of law of the land.
Except whether so required by the land, an employee shall not give evidence before a public committee without the previous permission of the Management. This Rule will not, however, apply to evidence given before official committee(s) appointed by the Management.
Special norms
An employee shall not commit insubordination or non-compliance with any legitimate, lawful or reasonable order or instruction of a superior.
All employees must give proper attention to the clients of the Company and treat them with suave manners, politeness, honesty and sincerity and make utmost efforts to render improved customer service at the quickest possible time. No employee shall utter any calumny or use any offensive, slanderous or obnoxious language with or in presence of the client of the Company, breach of which will be subject to disciplinary action.
An employee shall not bring or attempt to bring any form of outside influence or pressure to support a claim relating to the Company’s service whether the claim is his/her personal or those of other employees.
An employee shall not make any public statement or comments on the activities of the Company without prior written approval of the management.
An employee shall not practice, deliberate non-cooperation and continuous refusal to work beyond working hours without valid reason.
An employee shall maintain secrecy regarding the affairs of the Company, including the affairs of its clients, irrespective of whether the information or documents relating to the Company came into his/her possession in the course of his duties as an employee or otherwise.
An employee shall always submit his/her representation (if any) through proper channel.
Every employee shall refrain from criticizing the Company’s Policy, rule, order etc.
An employee shall not participate in any illegal strike or abet, incite, instigate and act in furtherance thereof.
An employee shall not associate himself in any activities, which may be prejudicial to the interest of the Company and subversive of the state.
An employee shall not take part in or subscribe in aid of or assist in any way any political activity in Bangladesh or relating to any political affairs of Bangladesh.
Employee(s) entrusted with the duty of cash transaction shall not leave office unit and unless the day accounts agree in all respects.
An employee shall not accept directly or indirectly on his/her own behalf or on behalf of any other person or permit any member of the family, dependent on him/her to accept any gift, gratuity or reward or any offer of a gift, gratuity, or reward from any one with whom he/she is acquainted or connected in any way in his official dealings. This rule shall also apply in the case of gifts offered by persons likely to have dealings with the Company or any constituent or a subordinate employee of the Company.